Scott Trembley: Good afternoon. Scott Trembley here, president and CEO of the Trembley Group real estate firm here in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. I hope everyone’s doing wonderful today. We’re always talking about being the most trusted leaders in the real estate industry here at the Trembley Group, and we’re always talking about leadership. Well, in leadership, you’re always … You need to become that resource in real estate and bring major value to yourself and your clients daily.

And one really cool resource we have here that I think we probably do as good as anybody on the Grand Strand, maybe in the country, is we have a problem called the home equity conversion mortgage. And it’s sort of a sister of a reverse mortgage, which you probably all heard of, but it has nothing to do with your current home. You just have to have the cash available to make the purchase. And the great thing about the home equity conversion mortgage is you can purchase a home if you’re 62 or older or you or your … If you’re the husband, if you’re 62, your wife can be younger, or if the wife’s 62 and the husband’s younger, you can still do it. But you can purchase a home for 50% of a purchase price and never make another payment.

And let me tell you something. The market that we’re in … we’re in the Grand Strand market here. About 50% of everyone we speak to and you speak to as well are retirees. And so it’s a program that you absolutely must have in your business and as a resource for your clients. You’ll bring so much value to them. It’s unbelievable. You have to be 62. It has to be a primary residence. You cannot have any FHA … any other FHA loans, any tax liens or foreclosures. And obviously, you have to have the cash.

Now, let me give you the example of what it’s done for some of our clients recently. We have a couple of new construction clients that had a budget that’s right around $250 thousand. And they had cash, but as you can probably imagine, lots of times, you have that client. But everything they want is in the 350 range, or maybe 4. I mean, this happens all the time. One of our agents has two of these clients recently, where they’re actually looking at things around 250, 275, can’t find it. Everything they want is in building or spec homes that range in the neighborhoods of the 400 to 425.

Pulled the home equity conversion mortgage into it. Changed those families’ lives. They’re super excited. They’re now … one of them’s building a house for 495. The other’s building a house for around 450, and they’re actually spending less in the 250, 275. One of them’s spending about 240. The other one’s spending somewhere around the 205. It’s life-changing on the buying side.

Let me share with you on the selling side. We’ve had a number of examples. When you’re helping out a seller, if they’re a retiree, and they’re looking to go somewhere else and purchase, well, let me tell you something. When you present the home equity conversion mortgage to them on the purchase side, it allows them to spend less money buying. And here’s the key. When they realize that they can get that $300 thousand next purchase for 150 instead of spending 200 or 250, it allows them to free up their mind and price their home correctly or even a little bit below market value to get it gone and get it sold quickly.

It helps you on the buying side. It helps you on the selling side. But at the end of the day, it helps the real estate professionals be so darn … I mean, just so respectful with their clients and build stronger relationships. And every single time, our agents tell me all the time … and I used to hear it all the time myself. Every single time, the clients say, “Why didn’t that other real estate agent tell us about that? How come they didn’t know?” We’re just very thankful that we’re able to bring that value to them, but they’re also always saying, “Look, thank you so much for bringing this up. This has truly changed our life.”

And at the end of the day, if you didn’t end up using this program, but you built a stronger relationship, then that just brings amazingness to your business. To sum up today, the home equity conversion mortgage. Look that up. It is a sister program of the reverse mortgage, but it’s the newer one. It has nothing to do with your current home. It will change yours and your clients’ lives, and you will bring more and more value every day to your business and also to your clients.

On that note, it’s been a pleasure. If you’d like to reach out to me and have a conversation about real estate, you can catch me at (843) 455-6636 or shoot me an email at Have an amazing day. Take care.


For more information contact: Scott Trembley, President & CEO,, 843.455.6636


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At The Trembley Group, we pride ourselves on being the experts at more than just selling real estate. We are local residents, some of us have been here for a lifetime. The rest of us will be here until the end of time. We love living, working, and playing in the diverse backyard of Coastal Carolina, and look forward to helping you live and love your dreams soon too. Please reach out to us by phone or email for personalized service and one-on-one advice. 

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