Scott Trembley: Hello everyone, Scott Trembley here, President and CEO of the Trembley Group Real Estate firm here in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Otherwise known as Coach T. Hope everybody out there is doing simply amazing today.

And speaking of simply amazing, I am standing here with a simply amazing young lady, her name is D’Ambrah King, and D’Ambrah, I’m so glad to have you. And I’m so glad to have you on our team.

D’Ambrah King: Well, thank you.

Scott Trembley: You’re very, very welcome. So D’Ambrah, as a lot of our team members have a really, really cool story. D’Ambrah has a really cool story. So she’d been in the business for a couple years, but I’m going to let D’Ambrah share her story about why The Trembley Group and her experience here – but kinda of how she transitioned from maybe not being in the business, to where she is today. So tell me about that, D’Ambrah.

D’Ambrah King: He’s right. Before I actually found the Trembley Group, I was contemplating whether real estate was for me. I was at a big box company, and wasn’t getting anywhere. So I started going to networking meetings to try to get more business, and I’d actually thought about babysitting so that I didn’t have to leave my career, and I could still focus, but make some money to pay my bills.

As I was leaving my first networking meeting, I ran into Nancy-Paige, our Marketing Director.

Scott Trembley: Yes!

D’Ambrah King: Yeah. She stopped me off guard, and said, “Hey, you come work for me, you won’t have to babysit.”

Scott Trembley: Nice.

D’Ambrah King: It was amazing. And I interviewed with Scott a few times, and I can tell you that I never babysat, and I actually ran my whole year strictly off my real estate career.

Scott Trembley: All really, really good stuff. And D’Ambrah, whenever we were talking up front, she just kept saying, “This sounds amazing, Scott, but everybody tells me all this cool stuff, and it just really doesn’t happen.” And so I was like, “D’Ambrah, here’s the thing. You’re just going to have to have faith, you’re going to have to take action, and you have to just trust the process.”

So, she’s done that and in doing that, I’m going to share something with you. D’Ambrah, in her first calender year here with The Trembley Group, she has actually written 26 new ratified agreements. And so tell me this. What in the world has allowed you to do this, and impact your business and your life? Give me a couple things, business and life, that’s helped you to establish a real real estate business and get you to where you are today?

D’Ambrah King: Okay. Well personally, the best thing that’s affected me personally with this business is that I come home with a smile on my face.

Scott Trembley: Awesome.

D’Ambrah King: We have such positivity in this office, that I enjoy coming into the office, and I even enjoy coming home, and I’m ready to tackle on whatever else life has for me.

Scott Trembley: Yeah.

D’Ambrah King: So just like I would my business. Now, as far as business, I can honestly say that everything has changed in my life.

Scott Trembley: Yes.

D’Ambrah King: I’d say the most important is our training. I have never experienced training that we receive here. And that training has given me the courage to run my business, both effectively and efficiently.

Scott Trembley: That is awesome. So, positivity, training, coaching … I’m loving it! This is really good stuff. And she’s nailed it. That’s what I’ve seen – all of this – really, really, really resonate in D’Ambrah since she’s been with us, so, thank you for that.

We’re going to transition to our amazing core values we have on the board here. We all sort of live in them, we believe in them, we love these. But I’m going to ask D’Ambrah, choose one, if you would, and speak to it, the one that maybe is … maybe your favorite, or the most powerful to you.

D’Ambrah King: Well, I’m sure you know but fearless.

Scott Trembley: Yes! Love it.

D’Ambrah King: That is definitely important to me. Fearless is important to me because I now have the courage to tackle things that I wouldn’t normally tackle, even picking up the phone. But not only that, I’m fearless in the fact that I can fail. If I fail, I will pick myself back up and move forward. And that is huge.

Scott Trembley: Awesome.

D’Ambrah King: That’s huge to me.

Scott Trembley: So, she chose my favorite one, and so we’re all about getting fearless around here, just crushing our goals. We love it! We love it!

So thank you so much for that. That is my favorite one. We love to live in these.

So here’s the thing, guys and gals out there. If any of you are looking to change your life, to be fearless. Right? To have that positive mindset every day, to just truly learn and grow, and if you are… If you want to double or triple your goals, or just get into that new cultural fit, reach out to me. Reach out to me. And my cell phone number is 843-455-6636. My email address is

Decide to change your life today. Just go be amazing and be fearless. Have an amazing day.

D’Ambrah King: You won’t regret it.


👉 Looking to Join Our Dynamic Culture & Team? Reach out to Scott Trembley, President & CEO,, 843.455.6636

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At The Trembley Group, we pride ourselves on being the experts at more than just selling real estate. We are local residents, some of us have been here for a lifetime. The rest of us will be here until the end of time. We love living, working, and playing in the diverse backyard of Coastal Carolina, and look forward to helping you live and love your dreams soon too. Please reach out to us by phone or email for personalized service and one-on-one advice. 

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