Scott Trembley: Good afternoon. This is Scott Trembley, president and CEO of The Trembley Real Estate firm. And just had a question for you. Are you struggling in your real estate business? And I ask that question because I know there’s a number of things out there that happened in the business and there are also some solutions for them.

And one of those is is that a lot of the agents I talk to are busy as can be, but they really at the end of the week, they have no results. And so what I found is is when you look into the depth of their business, maybe you really don’t have a business plan, or you don’t have any consistent lead generation systems, or possibly you don’t have a customer resource management system that’s up to par in today’s market.

You don’t have any marketing. You don’t really have any accountability or business structure or business plan on a day to day basis to consistently generate business. You’re kind of struggling to find that organization where you have that culture that matches your personality. And at the end of the day you’re just really … Your hands are up in the air and you sort of have a shotgun approach to your business.

If that’s you, I’d love to talk to you because we actually look at things differently here. It’s very important for all of our agents to have business plan and to have structure to the business, to consistently to be able to lead gen, but we actually provide a ton of leads for them, to have the best CRM in the real estate industry, to have an incredible marketing director that just really, really enhances the overall business.

You know, really, at the end the day to have a business structure and plan around their everyday life so they can have a wonderful life as well as a real estate business. And then at the end of the day, our number one goal is for all of our agents to produce 35 or more deals a year. And so if you’re out there sort of struggling and thinking that you know what? I’d like to be part of a team or something like that that really sort of brings value to each other on a day to day basis and creates that prosperity in our life and our business.

You know? I’d love to talk to you. And if you like to talk to us then you can reach me at or on my cell phone always at 843-455-6636. I’d love to talk to you and on that note, I hope you have an amazing day. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

For more information contact: Scott Trembley, President & CEO,, 843.455.6636

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At The Trembley Group, we pride ourselves on being the experts at more than just selling real estate. We are local residents, some of us have been here for a lifetime. The rest of us will be here until the end of time. We love living, working, and playing in the diverse backyard of Coastal Carolina, and look forward to helping you live and love your dreams soon too. Please reach out to us by phone or email for personalized service and one-on-one advice. 

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