Scott Trembley: Hello everyone. Scott Trembley here, President and CEO of The Trembley Group Real Estate here in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Otherwise, known as Coach T. I am standing here today … today’s a very special day. I’m standing here today with an incredibly special person and a special department that this special person works in, which is called our Client Care Specialist Department.

You guys and gals may know that as an Inside Sales Department. We took it to another level as Client Care Specialist. Chuck Everham is here with us. Glad to have you, my friend.

Chuck Everham: Pleasure, Scott.

Scott Trembley: Absolutely. So here’s the thing. I want to share, or let Chuck share, with you exactly what we do on a day-to-day basis in our client care department and how we’re impacting lives and really, really just knocking down barriers and building strong relationships and crushing our goals every day.

Chuck, share with us what you guys do on a day-to-day basis and how you’re impacting lives and you just tell me a little bit more about how that works.

Chuck Everham: Well, you know, that’s a great question. Most importantly the way we do change lives here at The Trembley Group is we take the time, most importantly, to understand our clients. There is a lot of real estate agents out there and I’m sure you know. Especially being in the business as long as you’ve been, being an amazing mentor to us is that not a lot of agents take the time to do that.

Scott Trembley: That’s right.

Chuck Everham: It’s extremely important. That’s one of the first steps of building that trust and best serving them. Also, we do reach out to our clients in the first minute. We know how important their time is so we want to make sure we get in contact with them, start understanding what they’re looking for so when the time is right we can make it a very easy transition for them and their move to the Myrtle Beach area.

Scott Trembley: Awesome, awesome. I’m hearing something there. Their response within the first minute, that is really, really, really, really way above industry standard.

By the way guys, you may or may not know this, the industry standard for follow up in the real estate business is 42 hours. These guys are talking to everybody within 60 seconds. So I mean amazing.

Let me tell you something. These guys crush it every single day. So on that note, as we’re working with this amazing team. We’re working together, we’re crushing our goals every day. Chuck tell me what The Trembly Group experience has meant to you and two or three things that have truly impacted your life and your business while working with us.

Chuck Everham: Most importantly the training and the amazing mentors has played the biggest impact on me both in business as well in personal life. The amazing mentors have taught me some of the most amazing skills to really cross the real estate industry but also to really connect with other business professionals who are also going to help me succeed.

Being here, in the real estate industry, like I said, there is a lot of real estate agents out here – 4,000 in the Grand Strand/Myrtle Beach area.

Scott Trembley: Yeah.

Chuck Everham: So with that being said you really do have to have an understanding of the market as well as the skills to sell the homes and best serve your clients. We do have that amazing training. We do meet two times a week, 40 minutes every morning and really dive deep on these skills.

I think that has really played a big impact as well in my personal life as well as business.

Scott Trembley: Lot of coaching, lot of training, lot of skill set building, lot of comradery with the team and a whole lot of just coming together and crushing your goals every day.

That’s awesome. It’s a lot of fun, right?

Chuck Everham: Oh, it is super exciting. I mean the best part is you get to see people’s lives change every day. All the time, all the time because a lot of the time the best feeling is when you get ahold of somebody in that first 15-30 seconds and they go, wow, I’ve never had somebody get in contact with me let alone even call me back.

Scott Trembley: Yes.

Chuck Everham: Well great. That’s why we’re so glad you took the time to answer our call today because there is nobody better to be talking to then us here at The Trembley Group.

Scott Trembley: Love it, love it. Alright everybody, we’re going to transition a little bit and it’s amazing. I love, love, love the impact of lives that Chuck’s talk about here.

We’re going to move over here to our five core values. Their impact us on a day to day, week to week basis but I want to have Chuck speak to just the one … He loves all of them but speak to one that’s really made an impact and resonated his life. So, which one would that be Chuck?

Chuck Everham: Well, ‘heart’ most importantly. There is a lot of things in life that you really do have to fail it forward and that’s one of the biggest things that you’ve taught me and I’ve had embrace is, you need a heart to be able to do. You need to be able to fail forward.

Be able to fail because if it’s going to happen you might as well learn from them.

Scott Trembley: Yes.

Chuck Everham: Those are the two most important things and I think in order to do that you need to have a lot of drive and a lot of heart.

Scott Trembley: Absolutely.

Chuck Everham: That’s why I really focus on that key core value.

Scott Trembley: What I kept hearing right there is failing forward and let me tell you something. Let me back up for a second, if you talk to anyone successful ever in your life, and you look behind the scenes, there is a lot of failures that have come along with that success.

So we’re always talking about failing forward there. As we wrap up here I want to just reach out to everybody and say look, if you’re looking to change your life, change your business, crush your goals, whatever that might be.Just maybe shift gears into a new culture, someplace that really, really builds into you and develops you and cares about you.

I would love for you to reach out to us. We’re always looking for that next special person and that could be on the Client Care Specialist side.

Chuck Everham: Absolutely.

Scott Trembley: It could be on the real estate Sales Executive side. Give me a call. My cell phone number is 843-455-6636. My e-mail address is

Go change your life today and be amazing and absolutely crush today. Have an awesome day.

Chuck Everham: Let’s go!

Scott Trembley: Love it.


👉 Looking to Join Our Dynamic Culture & Team? Reach out to Scott Trembley, President & CEO,, 843.455.6636

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At The Trembley Group, we pride ourselves on being the experts at more than just selling real estate. We are local residents, some of us have been here for a lifetime. The rest of us will be here until the end of time. We love living, working, and playing in the diverse backyard of Coastal Carolina, and look forward to helping you live and love your dreams soon too. Please reach out to us by phone or email for personalized service and one-on-one advice. 

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Our agents write often to give you the latest insights on owning a home or property in the Myrtle Beach, SC area.