Scott Trembley:       Hello, everyone. Scott Trembley, here. President and CEO of the Trembley Group Real Estate firm here in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. I hope all of you out there are doing amazing today. Otherwise, also known as “Coach T” – a lot of us call me, including my Little Rockstar here. Speaking of that, I’m standing here today with our amazing Client Care Specialists. A lot of you will know them as Inside Sales Agents. We take it to another level, which is Client Care Specialist, but I’m standing here with Luz “Little Rockstar” Rodriguez. How are you, Little Rockstar?

Luz Rodriguez:         Good. I’ve been good.

Scott Trembley:        I love this girl, right here. Let me tell you something. Tenacity. I’m telling you, it’s unbelievable. So here’s the thing. I want to share with you today … Well, I want Little Rockstar to share with you, first and foremost, a little bit about our Client Care Department and so just tell everybody what you guys do on a day-to-day basis, and how you’re impacting lives, and just how you are truly crushing your goals, and crushing the day.

Luz Rodriguez:         Okay. So one of the things we do, is we get clients. We get connected to the clients every, single day. We truly understand what their needs are regarding real estate and how we can best help them, as well as qualify them, dig into more deep questions regarding LPMAMA. For some of you guys who don’t know what LPMAMA is, LPMAMA is the location, price, motivation, agent, as well as … Oh my god, I messed up!

Scott Trembley:        Mortgage-

Luz Rodriguez:          Mortgage! I forgot the mortgage part!

Scott Trembley:         Yeah.

Luz Rodriguez:           So most importantly, we ask them LPMAMA questions regarding how we can qualify them, understand their true needs, and then from there we give it to an agent who helps them with their search.

Scott Trembley:         Yeah, yeah. Also, I was gonna say, every day it’s all about really getting in touch with folks as early as you can, and impacting their lives, really taking that relationship on the phone to a whole other level and ultimately setting an amazing appointment for our unbelievable sales team.

Now, here’s the thing. On that note, you’ve been here now for a little over … Almost 14-15 months?

Luz Rodriguez:            Yep. I would say 15 months.

Scott Trembley:           About 15 months. So hopefully, during that time, we’ve actually impacted your life in a number of different ways. Give me two or three things that you can say, “You know what, Coach T, these things have really, really, really taken myself, my life, my business to another level. These are a couple things that have really impacted my life.” Kinda talk to a couple points there.

Luz Rodriguez:             Yeah. So I have to say, it’s been life-changing since I’ve been working with the Trembley Group for many reasons. One of the things is, before I even came to The Trembley Group, I felt like some of my goals were not achievable, and coming here with The Trembley Group, it’s everything I believe in is becoming more … Instead of a dream, a reality.

Scott Trembley:            Awesome.

Luz Rodriguez:              So any goals I set, I can accomplish it.

Scott Trembley:            Yeah, without question. And we’re crushing those every day, right?

Luz Rodriguez:              Every single day.

Scott Trembley:            Every day. All right. So, here’s the thing. Crushing goals, really your belief system, really the bar raises when you come with us, and the sky is actually the limit, right? So “anything is possible”, is what we talk about around here. We’re gonna transition, kinda shift gears to the five core values you see on the board here, the five core values that we live in here at the Trembley Group, and I’m gonna have Little Rockstar here choose one of them to speak to. So, which one would it be?

Luz Rodriguez:              Fearless.

Scott Trembley:            Tell me about fearless.

Luz Rodriguez:              Fearless. So one of the things I … With Trembley Group is you have to be fearless, you have to get on the phone, make that phone call. You don’t have to know every single thing in the book regarding real estate. Just get on the phone, and you know more than them so I feel that … How do I feel?!

Scott Trembley:            Well, the bottom line is you know, because you know one thing, that you’re asking amazing questions, and you’re truly feeling that you’re changing their life.

Luz Rodriguez:              Yes.

Scott Trembley:            How many times have you been on the phone with folks and they’re just totally thanking you saying maybe they didn’t have such a great experience before, but thanking you so much for taking the time to actually care about why they’re doing what they’re doing?

Luz Rodriguez:              Yup. On a daily basis.

Scott Trembley:            All the time, right?

Luz Rodriguez:              Yeah. Absolutely. Every single day.

Scott Trembley:            So fearless is… She chose my favorite one, right. I mean, I love all of them, but we are all about being fearless, each and every day and these guys are truly, truly fearless.

So, to end up and to wrap up the conversation, I just want to throw it out there to you and challenge you, anybody out there that wants to get fearless and to change their life, crush their goals, to be just basically unstoppable … I’m not sure exactly where you are today, but if you’re thinking about going to another level and maybe you’re thinking a culture shift is necessary, reach out to me. I’d love to chat with you. My cell phone number is 843.455.6636 and my email address is

So Little Rockstar and I are gonna say have an amazing day and be freakin’ fearless!

Luz Rodriguez:              Woohoo!


👉 Looking to Join Our Dynamic Culture & Team? Reach out to Scott Trembley, President & CEO,, 843.455.6636

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At The Trembley Group, we pride ourselves on being the experts at more than just selling real estate. We are local residents, some of us have been here for a lifetime. The rest of us will be here until the end of time. We love living, working, and playing in the diverse backyard of Coastal Carolina, and look forward to helping you live and love your dreams soon too. Please reach out to us by phone or email for personalized service and one-on-one advice. 

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