Scott Trembley: Good afternoon. Scott Trembley here, President and CEO of The Trembley Group Real Estate Firm here in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. I hope those of you watching are doing fantastic. I want to share with you another success story we’ve had here at The Trembley Group this last month in July. By the way, I hope all of you guys are crushing your business and had an incredible July.

We actually wrote 60 new contracts with 13 agents, so we’re super excited about that. I’m going to share with you a couple of tips that I think have helped us as we continue to press on and work towards … To just allow us to produce and win with our team inside and also our clients.

Tip number one is you’ve got to bring energy, enthusiasm and authenticity to your business each and every day, so whatever you’re doing … If you’re on the phone with clients or in front of them, people like to work with people that have great energy, bring great enthusiasm, and of course they like to work with people that have that incredible authenticity, so they’re real.

You need to bring all that. You need to ask the real questions and really, really understand your clients and come from a position of help. So make sure you’re bringing energy, enthusiasm, and you’re keeping it real with your clients and you’ll get a lot further.

Number two follows up on the ‘keeping it real’. You’ve got to ask open-ended questions in the sales process. It is a must. You can’t ask closed-ended questions where you can just get the natural response ‘no’. The open-ended’s are the who’s, the what’s, the when, the where, the how. The why is really important. One of the best questions to ask in the business of sales is, “Tell me more about that home you’re looking for.” “Tell me more about your current home.” “Tell me more about why you’re looking to sell this home and where you’re looking to go afterwards.” “Tell me more about the area.” “Tell me more about you and your family and who’s going to be making this transition with you.”

I want to relate something to you that I’ve learned years ago and we have a lot of fun in sales with it. All of us have dated at some point, so we … Maybe you’re currently dating, I’m not sure, but all of us have dated at some point. We’ve all had really good dates and we’ve all had possibly a bad date. The question is what’s a bad date? A bad date would be if you’re out with that incredible man or woman that you thought you would be really excited to be with and you sit down for coffee or for dinner and let’s just say that that other person … If you’re the woman … that man, all they do is talk about themselves the whole time. They’re just telling you all kinds of stuff, and that’s all they do, but they never ask you any questions about you.

That’s probably not going to end up in a second date, which in our sales would be an appointment. Now on the other hand, a good date would be if you’re collaborating, you guys are having dinner and you’re having fun, you’re asking each other questions back and forth, want to know about their family, their friends, if they have any pets, what they love to do, how often they do it, what their work is, what kind of things they do as a hobby, and you’re going back and forth and developing a mutually consented powerful relationship, that typically ends up in date number two, which would be the appointment.

So give that some thought into what you’re doing with your clients. Always come from a position of help. Ask those open-ended questions. You may want to get into some role playing with a partner on your team to make sure that you’re not just training on your clients, that you’re actually training with your partners to where you can really produce with your clients at a high level.

Ask open-ended questions, bring energy and enthusiasm, keep it real, be very authentic, use that authenticity in terms of everything you do, and you will absolutely change the world and change your clients’ lives, and while doing so change your business.

On that note, if you’d like to reach out to me and have a conversation about sales or leadership or what have you, you can reach me at 843-455-6636 or you can reach me at Have an amazing day.

For more information contact: Scott Trembley, President & CEO,, 843.455.6636

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At The Trembley Group, we pride ourselves on being the experts at more than just selling real estate. We are local residents, some of us have been here for a lifetime. The rest of us will be here until the end of time. We love living, working, and playing in the diverse backyard of Coastal Carolina, and look forward to helping you live and love your dreams soon too. Please reach out to us by phone or email for personalized service and one-on-one advice. 

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