Scott Trembley: Good afternoon everyone. Scott Trembley here, President CEO of the Trembley Group Real Estate firm here in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. I hope everyone out there is doing amazin and is enjoying this amazing weather. There’s nothing like the fall air and college football season. By the way, go Tigers. Anyhow, I’m coming to you live today. I wanted to share a couple things with you.

We’re always talking leadership and business development here at the Trembley Group. 18 months ago we started off on a journey to build an amazing company. This is our first calendar year. We’re very blessed to share with everybody out there that we will do 450 transactions this year, about around 85 million in our first calendar year. With those numbers, a lot of people across the country, a lot of friends of mine, a lot people in the network of real estate are like, “Scott, how in the world are you guys doing what you’re doing?” It’s really simple guys and gals, it’s all about the people, and pouring into the people.

Whenever I’m talking about business development or leadership, a lot of studies I’ve done over time … It’s basically just looking at some of the most powerful companies. Disney is one that just resonates with me all time. With that, we’ve talked, and talked, and talked about building the company, focused on changing lives and culture first. We are the Disney of real estate. It’s the experience. That’s what we started out to do, shoot, 18 months ago. Once again, it’s all about pouring into people.

To do it, how do you actually do that? Well, you’ve got to really, really come from a position of culture first, and have incredible internal values, where everyone has bought in, and really, really pulling the same direction. Just all in to crush their goals, to help each other. We defined our internal values. We’ve done this as group. We really, really narrowed them done. I’m gonna share with you what ours are today. Maybe some of those will resonate with you, or help you in terms of building whatever platform you’re building, whatever business you are. It doesn’t have to real estate. It can be anything, but if you come from culture first, it will be truly amazing.

Number one, heart, because these are the principles here, but heart. I’m gonna define them the way we define them. Number one is heart. That’s an all in commitment to bring out the best in others daily. We are all about, every day want to bring in ourselves, and all of those around us. It starts internally, but obviously it goes externally. We know if we have heart, and we’re all in to change our lives internally, that will ooze out to the rest of the world. Number one is heart.

Number two is a winning attitude. Defining that is be a fountain, not a drain, while embracing every failure, get that, every failure, and success as an opportunity for growth. The reason why I hit failure twice is we are not afraid to fail. Matter of fact, we love to fail forward. My mother told me growing up, she put it on my cabinets, and everything was fail more often. I’ve taken that to heart, because I have definitely failed before, and often. But you don’t learn unless you’re out there taking action, and going for it, and failing. So we’re not afraid to fail. We just see that as being an opportunity for growth. That’s number two, is having a winning attitude all the time.

Number three, if you’re going to be part of an amazing team, ever, you need to be coachable. What does coachable mean to us? An insatiable desire to master your craft daily with total humility. Now I put that at the end because simply put, you’ve got to come in every day, and you’ve gotta bring it. You’ve got to bring just that mindset that I’m gonna learn something new every single day. I will be extremely humble. I don’t know it all. I can learn from anybody that I come in contact with. It’s all about humility, and it’s all about being coachable, and bringing it every day. We do that. We do it at a high level. We role play. We’re coaching, teaching, training. We’re learning from each other. That’s it, so that’s number three.

Number four, and probably one of my favorite … Everybody is like, “Coach T,” oh by the way, Coach T is my other name. Everybody is like, “Coach T, what is your favorite?” Well, I love them all, but being fearless, that really kind of resonates with me. It’s an unstoppable mindset that anything is possible, as long as you take action today. Let me tell you something, if you want to do anything amazing in life, no matter what it is, sports, family, business, spiritual, financial, you gotta be fearless. You gotta go for it. You gotta bring it. You gotta take action today. That’s it, you have to take action. So it’s one of my favorite.

I’m gonna wrap this up really nice and tidy with number five, and that’s why we have it here. I think all of you out there will probably really love this, because at the end of the day, 100/0 is our number five. What does that mean? There’s a principle out there, it’s called the 100/0 principle. What it is, is you have to be 100% accountable and have zero excuses. How does that wrap this up? That’s 100% accountable to being all in every day. To bringing your A game. To bringing value to others. To giving six star service to all of your clients, six star service to partners. To really, really make sure you’re bringing everybody in the organization up, and lifting them. Breathing life into them every single day.

To sum up and summarize, to build a company, and to have a vision of where you want to go, you need to start with culture first. Build it internally and trust me, it will really, really resonate externally. You’ve gotta define your internal values. This will help you no matter what business platform you’re on, period. Guys on that note, that you so much for taking the time to share a few minutes with me today. I hope you are doing amazing. I hope you’re pulling for the Tigers this weekend. I hope you go out and conquer today. Make today amazing. Take care.

For more information contact: Scott Trembley, President & CEO,, 843.455.6636


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At The Trembley Group, we pride ourselves on being the experts at more than just selling real estate. We are local residents, some of us have been here for a lifetime. The rest of us will be here until the end of time. We love living, working, and playing in the diverse backyard of Coastal Carolina, and look forward to helping you live and love your dreams soon too. Please reach out to us by phone or email for personalized service and one-on-one advice. 

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