Jeremy Jenks: Good morning, good afternoon. We’ve got a little market update for you on a Prince Creek area. This is always my most favorite video that we do every week because I’m such a numbers nerd when it comes to comparing the numbers on how to sell a house effectively. So we’re going to dive right in, and as I always say, always got to pay attention to new construction and resale because those are two different markets within any niche market. So, first, one we’re going to talk about real quickly is our new construction price per square foot. So you can see what we’ve got here, this is really interesting, June of 2015 is $155, June of 2016, let me move my little finger down so you guys can see, is $149, and June of 2017 is $147.

So what’s going on? You’re seeing a little bit of a drop in the price per square foot in new construction. Why would that be? I can guarantee you, and what I’ve seen in the market down there is there’s fewer custom homes being built right now, and there’s a couple of track neighborhoods that have opened up. So more volume in the lower price per square foot is going to pull all the stats down a little bit in that Prince Creek area, so nothing to be concerned about. What’s really important to my owners is going to be this resale number here. Resale price per square foot is June 2015 is $129, June 2016 is $136 per square foot, and June of 2017 is $140 per square foot. So that is a really nice trend that’s headed in the right direction for our resales. Really good news for you homeowners in Prince Creek area.

So if you have any questions that you would like to see answered specifically on one of our market update videos, I’d be more than happy to do that. Just shoot me an email:, and we’ll be more than happy to add you in. Thanks again.

For more information: Jeremy Jenks, Vice President of Sales,, 843.638.3002

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