Stacy Davis, Catherine Hill, Kadin Karschner & Melanie Reaves present Living Dunes from CRG Companies

Stacy Davis: … you should be proud of the decision you made to come on with Scott because, if there’s one thing I can say about him, he is the most persistent, energized person I’ve ever met. Good job for y’all. I’m expecting really big things out of all of you. I learned from Scott, from the best, for onsite sales, and I know that our success is largely dependent on what you guys bring to us. It’s really important that you put us in your phones, keep us on speed dial, if you have anybody that’s slightly interested, bring them over, let us show them the whole VIP treatment, and you guys should each come out there and walk it.

I appreciate everybody that came out last night, being in that room, feeling the energy of the amenities will help you sell it. It helps you paint the picture. Scott knows one of the things that we would do is call the local agent and then tell them to come down. We work together at the Seasons. Taking people on a tour and allowing them to meet the team, it’s that third party story that makes it real and it helps you connect the property to your buyers. So please, please, please do that.

Catherine is onsite with me.

Catherine Hill: I met some of you last night.

Stacy Davis: Yes, and Mel, Mel has been in the area, how long, 25 years in the real estate industry, is that right?

Mel Reaves: Yes, yes.

Stacy Davis: She just said to me the other night, “Pretty soon I don’t have to do continuing ed anymore.” That’s so cool.

Catherine’s new to the area, how many years have you been here?

Catherine Hill: Three years.

Stacy Davis: Three years, so-

Catherine Hill: Moved here from Tennessee.

Stacy Davis: Fantastic bonds with a lot of the local agents, they’ve both been in the general real estate industry and now moving onsite is kind of a big leap for you guys I would say. Everybody’s pretty excited about this project.

And Kayden, we invited him last night because he really is going to be one of the elements that set us apart from every other development in the area. He is a Client Liaison, and I’ll let him talk a little bit about what that means for you and your clients and really for us as a company.

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