United Van Lines has released its 39th Annual National Movers Study, which tracks customers’ state-to-state migration patterns over the past year.  For several consecutive years the state of South Carolina has held the #2 spot in the “Top Moving Destination”, behind Oregon as #1, and 2015 was no different.

“The aging Boomer population is driving relocation from the Northeast and the Midwest to the South and West, as more and more people retire to warmer regions,” said Michael Stoll, economist, professor and chair of the Department of Public Policy at the University of California, Los Angeles.

United Van Lines found the top reasons for moving South were company transfer/new job, retirement, and proximity to family.   Other popular reasons for moving South, according to other studies, are: lower cost of living, lower taxes, and more affordable real estate, which would also support the high outbound relocations from the Northeastern states.

The Grand Strand area continues to be among the top choices for inbound movers.  Popular beaches, entertainment, unique restaurants and a multitude of outdoor activities practically year round are just a few of the reasons to make the Grand Strand home.

For more information on the National Movers Study: http://www.unitedvanlines.com/about-united/news/movers-study-2015

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