Jeremy Jenks: Jeremy Jenks, Vice President of Sales here with The Trembley Group. Stay tuned for “Surprise! Expert Commentary!”

Hey, guys. Here’s the game. My team has put together a box of questions. This is my mystery surprise box. And so, I get ‘hit’ with a question. I have no idea what I’m going to pull out. And I’m going to answer this just like I’m sitting in your living room and you’re hitting me with something, which is typically what happens.

All right. What do we got today? “Do I really need a realtor to sell my house?” Yes, you do. So, typically what I see what we’re talking about is, somebody who is debating doing a for sale by owner. For sale by owners think they’re going to save six percent and really what they end up finding out is most serious buyers are with a buyer’s agent, so now you’re paying the three percent out. You’re only saving maybe three percent, okay? You can easily, through the process of selling a home, make decisions or lack of negotiations that will cost you more than the three percent.

Just for a couple of quick examples, in the negotiating in the sales price, for sale by owners that I see sell that sell for sale by owner actually sell, are typically way under priced. I’ve also seen sellers that think they have to repair everything on a home inspection report. Sometimes that can be 10 or 20 thousand dollars. Again, having that expert by your side is going to help you navigate those waters smoothly and easily and ultimately keep more money in your pocket. There’s a lot of statistics about this. 80 to 90% of for sale by owners do end up listing with an agent because they have a hard time selling it themselves.

The last point I’ll make is if you see the house flippers, they get these deals where they buy a house at 50% of its value. Well, if that person had talked to a real estate agent and they knew what they had, do you think they would have sold it for half price? Probably not. Again, definitely need a real estate agent. We’d love to be the ones to help serve you, but thanks for tuning in and stay tuned for more next week.

For more information: Jeremy Jenks, Vice President of Sales,, 843.638.3002

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