Scott Trembley: Hello everyone. Scott Trembley here, President and CEO of the Trembley Group Real Estate firm here in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Hope everybody out there is doing amazing today. We’re always talking about changing lives around here in some very, very special people. Today, I’m standing here with an incredibly special person, Ms. Natalie Cruse. Natalie.

Natalie Cruse: Hello.

Scott Trembley: Absolutely glad to have you here. I’ma share with you a little bit about her story and then I’ma let her elaborate all her story. Natalie was in, and she played college golf at Coastal Carolina. Amazing golfer, so don’t ever try to play her in golf, right. That’s probably a bad move. She’s a golf pro. She’s teaching golf and then one day, she just decided, you know what, I’ma change my career. When she did that, she went in and got her real estate license and she started talking and around and just trying to figure out what would be the best fit for her in the real estate industry.

Natalie, tell me this, you looked around. You were making your change. You were talking to other companies. Why the Trembley Group and how’s your experience been here since you started with us.

Natalie Cruse: Well, I came here. I looked around at some other real estate companies and spoke to some other brokers, actually was shadowing at one particular company for a couple of weeks. Then, fortunate enough to find you and actually, I felt like you cared. Every other person, it felt like I was gonna be just a number, place to hang a license, but here it just felt like you were actually going to invest your time and make sure that I succeed.

Scott Trembley: Yes. Really, really important. That just gave me chills by the way. That really meant a lot to me. Caring is huge for us. All right, so here’s the thing guys, Natalie has been with us for just eight full months now and the industry will tell you that three, four, maybe five deals in your first year, so eight months, right. Natalie has already written 33 new ratified sales agreements in real estate in eight months. Natalie, here’s the thing, that is awesome.

Natalie Cruse: Well, thank you.

Scott Trembley: You’re very welcome. Tell me this, how’d you get to 33. Give me two or three amazing things you’ve learned at the Trembley Group that’s maybe helped you get there. I’m curious, ’cause that’s awesome.

Natalie Cruse: Well, you told me I would possibly, potentially do that and I didn’t really believe you. Everyone said that we’d be doing one, two sales the first couple of years. Here, I think the most important thing is gonna be the coaching I received, the training. A couple of things I do on a daily basis, I mean, I want a [inaudible 00:02:44], but a couple of things is having a set schedule, making sure that we’re here at a decent time being somewhat of an independent contractor. I mean, people get into the real estate business thinking that they can set their own schedule and flexible hours and flexible …

Scott Trembley: That’s a license to freedom.

Natalie Cruse: Right.

Scott Trembley: That’s beautiful. Yes.

Natalie Cruse: You definitely ingrained in us to have that set schedule, especially in the morning time and be here at a decent time and not only to you encourage, but you reward people who are here first.

I think secondly, it’s just dig in deep with people, being real. People want to deal with real people, so …

Scott Trembley: 100%.

Natalie Cruse: Being honest, and stout to us and just asking the right questions and listening to their needs and desires.

Scott Trembley: Awesome. Natalie actually hit on a really cool point and that it is keeping it real and being real. We are in real estate folks and so you really gotta dig deep and get real.

All right, here’s the thing. We’re gonna transition and finish this amazing conversation to our core values, which you see on the board here. We have five amazing core values that we all truly love in our hearts. Natalie, tell me this, which one really up here on the board, really resonates with you? Speak to it, the one that really resonates with you.

Natalie Cruse: I’d have to say, Winning Attitude. Being a professional golfer, losing really wasn’t an option. You had to win. I try and set high goals. Get out of your comfort zone and not just be complacent with where you are, just really set high goals. Staying positive, just like on a golf course. You can have your ups and your downs and just a matter of staying positive and being around some great people to help with that, great minds, which is pretty easy to do here. Then just being grateful for every opportunity that you have and learning and growing from every experience.

Scott Trembley: Wow. Positive. Grateful. I love it. Life and business is all about; you’ll have challenges. We talk about our challenges being opportunities for growth, so thank you so much for that.

All right guys and gals, here’s the thing. If you’re watching and you are truly looking to change your business, maybe change your life, looking another cultural fit, or just hope to have a story somewhat like Natalie’s, I’d love to have a chance to talk to you. We’re always looking for that next special person. My cell phone number if 843-455-6636 and my email address is Go change your life today and be amazing. Thank you so much.

Want to Join Our Dynamic Culture & Team? Reach out to Scott Trembley, President & CEO,, 843.455.6636

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At The Trembley Group, we pride ourselves on being the experts at more than just selling real estate. We are local residents, some of us have been here for a lifetime. The rest of us will be here until the end of time. We love living, working, and playing in the diverse backyard of Coastal Carolina, and look forward to helping you live and love your dreams soon too. Please reach out to us by phone or email for personalized service and one-on-one advice. 

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