Scott Trembley: Hello everyone, Scott Trembley here, President & CEO of The Trembley Group Real Estate firm here in Myrtle Beach South Carolina, otherwise known as Coast T. Hope everyone’s doing amazing today. Speaking of amazing, speaking of special, I’m standing here with a very amazing and special individual, his name is Mr. Jeff Kurtz. Glad to have you hear my friend.

Jeff Kurtz: Thanks.

Scott Trembley:  So proud.

Jeff Kurtz: Appreciate it.

Scott Trembley: So proud of you. So here’s the thing. I’m going to let Jeff share his story. He was in the golf industry, and so I’m going to have him just talk to why make the change into real estate, why the Trembley group, and how we’ve done, how we’ve impacted your life. Tell me about that.

Jeff Kurtz: Well, I originally started working Myrtle Beach in the golf industry. I worked for about six years at Pine Lakes Country Club.

Scott Trembley: Yeah.

Jeff Kurtz: Which was a wonderful experience, I really enjoyed it. I just didn’t feel like I was going anywhere in my life with that. I kind of felt like I had gone far enough with that business and wanted to really challenge myself. I had some really good friends who worked here with you at The Trembley group, and they convinced me that I should absolutely come in and have a good conversation with you. I expressed some interest in getting into the real estate business.

Scott Trembley: Yeah.

Jeff Kurtz: I took my licensing courses and whatnot, and Chuck and Lous just talked you up so much, they said, “You have to meet the most inspirational person you’ll ever talk to in your life.”

Scott Trembley: 50% may be true, that’s all I will [crosstalk 00:01:31].

Jeff Kurtz: So I absolutely jumped on the opportunity to be able to sit down with you and understand really what the Trembley group was all about.

Scott Trembley: So, it’s been a great, great transition. And those of that are in new into real estate, or sort of know what it takes, or what the industry standard is out there, typically the industry standard is right around three to four deals in your first year. Mr. Jeff Kurtz has been with us, now this is his sixth month, and he’s already written 15 new purchase agreements here with The Trembley group. So, that is super, super amazing. Tell me about that number real quick and how you’ve been able to kind of get off to a fast start.

Jeff Kurtz: Well, I really came to success pretty early in the business, according to a lot of the other agents that I work with. They told me that I really had a start out gotta work hard, but really it’s all about the training that we’ve received here, and the coaching that you’ve provided was just unbelievable.

Scott Trembley: All right, so hence that’s kind of my next question for Jeff here is, the coaching and training. Dig deeper a little bit on that. Tell me a little bit more about how that’s impacted you.

Jeff Kurtz: Well, really when I started in the real estate business I was uncomfortable, full of fear, doubt, I really wasn’t sure where I was going.

Scott Trembley: Yeah.

Jeff Kurtz: And that’s where I found you being such an inspirational coach really helped me focus on what I needed to do with my career.

Scott Trembley: Awesome.

Jeff Kurtz: We have those awesome one-on-ones that we do. And each week you taught me how to be a real sales professional. You taught me about organization, time management.

Scott Trembley: Yeah.

Jeff Kurtz: You know, all the little things to put together, setting goals.

Scott Trembley: Yeah.

Jeff Kurtz: And all of those – week by week – as you gave me one goal after the other, we started building the real good foundation, and really I just listened to what you told me to do, how to do it. I put in this time and practice with the training that you guys provided here. We have great role play training every morning.

Scott Trembley: Yeah.

Jeff Kurtz: The role-play training, we go in and really you hone your skills. It puts you in positions that you’ll find yourself out in the real estate world.

Scott Trembley: Yeah, awesome. That’s really awesome. So, I love that building a foundation for success. You’re building blocks to success. Look, I mean guys like Jeff they make it really, really easy for us. He’s just such an inspirational person himself, and he has that amazing attitude to just crush his goals.

So, I’m going to transition to our five core values here. We all think they’re amazing, and we sort of live in those here at the Trembley group. But I’m going to ask Jeff, just look at those … I know you love them all.

Jeff Kurtz: Absolutely.

Scott Trembley: But just chose one, and we’ll kind of wrap them up, just speak to it for a minute or so.

Jeff Kurtz: I mean coachability is absolutely number one for me.

Scott Trembley: Yeah.

Jeff Kurtz: Without that, I would be nowhere in this business. You being the powerful coach that you are, but people have to be able to listen to their coaching. Just because you teach me things to put in place to be successful in this business, doesn’t necessarily mean I’ll be successful.

Scott Trembley: That’s right, yeah.

Jeff Kurtz: You have to be willing to just sometimes blindly go with what you say, and just watch it work.

Scott Trembley: Yeah, that’s wonderful. A little bit of blind faith there I like it. I like that it’s pretty powerful.

Jeff Kurtz: Absolutely.

Scott Trembley: All right, so everybody out here, here’s the thing is … thank you so much for that, that was awesome.

Jeff Kurtz: Of course.

Scott Trembley: Here’s the deal, we’re always looking for incredibly special people, and honestly we’ve found one in Jeff. And if that’s you out there, that you’re looking to change your life, maybe double or triple your business, maybe just looking for a cultural change. Just wanting to be that true professional as Jeff said, reach out to me. I’d love to have a conversation with you. We’re always looking for special, special people. So, my cell phone number is 843-455-6636 and my email address is Go change the life today and just be amazing.

Love it.

👉 Looking to Join Our Dynamic Culture & Team? Reach out to Scott Trembley, President & CEO,, 843.455.6636

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At The Trembley Group, we pride ourselves on being the experts at more than just selling real estate. We are local residents, some of us have been here for a lifetime. The rest of us will be here until the end of time. We love living, working, and playing in the diverse backyard of Coastal Carolina, and look forward to helping you live and love your dreams soon too. Please reach out to us by phone or email for personalized service and one-on-one advice. 

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