Here’s my answer when someone asks if they should sell during the holidays.

A question that I get every single year around this time is, “Should I sell my house during the holidays? What’s that process like?” The first thing I’ll say is that the time to sell is a personal decision, and it depends on what’s going on in your life. You're the hero in the story, and I’m just your guide. 

“If buyers are out looking at homes right now, you can bet they’re serious about it.”

If it is the time for you to sell, the question becomes, “Is it difficult to sell in Myrtle Beach during the holidays?” The answer is absolutely not. In my 13-year career, my best quarter of the year is consistently the fourth quarter. Showing numbers are lower than they would be in the spring or summer, but when somebody is looking at a house a week before Christmas, you know they’re a pretty serious buyer. Otherwise, they’d be Christmas shopping.

When you get those buyers to come see your home either online or in person, holiday decorations will play to your advantage. It creates a very nice ambiance. Our market isn’t nearly as seasonal as some others because of our climate. It keeps humming right along through the holiday season and into the new year.

If you have questions about buying, selling, or anything else related to real estate, don’t hesitate to reach out via phone or email. I look forward to hearing from you soon.