Scott Trembley: Good morning. Scott Trembley here, the president and CEO of the Trembley Group real estate firm here in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. I hope all of you guys out there, guys and gals are doing amazing, and I hope you had a wonderful July 4th. I know we all did.

On that note, the fireworks that were happening July 4th, they were actually happening on our team here in the month of June. We had our biggest month ever so a big shout out first of all to our team. We closed 42 homes and wrote 55 new contracts so I wanted to share that with you and a lot of really, really amazing things going on here.

I do have a special story at the end here to share, so stay with me. On that note, I want to just talk about our team real quickly. First and foremost, the shout-out goes to our Client Care Specialists, industry known as Inside Sales Agents: Chuck Everham and Luz “Little Rockstar” Rodriguez. They’re amazing. Of course, our sales team is incredible so they’re just doing wonderful things. Our Director of Marketing, Nancy-Paige … she is just developing the marketing mastery here with our company and she’s crushing it so we’re loving her and loving what she’s doing. Our Transaction Coordinator, Shannon Dial, she’s simply just a rockstar in the industry in terms of that side of the business.

You know our team is really, really amazing. I could not do it without my partner, Jeremy Jenks. He is incredible. Just a great complement to everything we do. He’s learning and growing and just crushing the real estate business and so he is just an amazing partner to all of us. So that’s the team, and we’re just loving every bit of every day.

But I wanted to share a special story with you within the team about an individual. His name is Bret French. Bret actually sold 11 homes in the month of June and we were all very inspired by that. Because of the inspiration we had a round-table discussion last week in our sales meeting about so many of the amazing traits he brings, and so I’ll share a few of those with you and see if they resonate with you and maybe can help guide you a little bit – I hope – inspire you in your real estate business.

So a few of them are, first of all, Bret’s just a helluva guy. He’s a great guy; he’s a great father. He’s a great husband to his wonderful wife Brooke. He’s just a great guy, so that’s amazing. He starts every day just through integrity and so he lives his life through integrity so we love that about Bret and of course about anybody that does that. He has a morning routine. He starts with workouts. He starts really, really early, somewhere around 5:00, 5:30 in the morning, so he gets his day started really, really early.

He’s here – one of the first people here every day. He’s always here before 8:00am, always embraces the day and is always embracing role playing four days a week at 8:00 in the morning. That’s another amazing trait. He’s very, very consistent and very coachable and he trusts his schedule, so he trusts his lead follow-up time and his lead gen time. Every day the guy’s very consistent and that word is very, very powerful.

He’s a follow-up machine. This guy is a follow-up machine and believes in mastering his database. He is growing confidence every day and truly believes in leading the process in real estate. He knows he is a real estate leader. He has no excuses. He stays in his lane, no distractions, and the guy is always willing to help others on a day-to-day basis. At the end of it, he has that incredible attitude and Bret is just a blessing to be around.

All I can say is, “Oh, my goodness, if we all had those type of traits, what would happen in our business and life?” So I just wanted to share that with you. I hope you’re having an amazing day after July 4th. I hope you crush your business in the month of July and if you’d like to talk to me about real estate or possibly joining our team, give me a call. The number is 843-455-6636 and the email address is Have an amazing day. Take care.

For more information contact: Scott Trembley, President & CEO,, 843.455.6636

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At The Trembley Group, we pride ourselves on being the experts at more than just selling real estate. We are local residents, some of us have been here for a lifetime. The rest of us will be here until the end of time. We love living, working, and playing in the diverse backyard of Coastal Carolina, and look forward to helping you live and love your dreams soon too. Please reach out to us by phone or email for personalized service and one-on-one advice. 

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