Scott Trembley: Good afternoon. Scott Trembley, President, CEO of the Trembley Group here, and coming to you with number two in my core beliefs and values and personal mission statement that I want to share with you. Number one was Dream Big, and number two is Choose Wisely. And I’ll tell you what, I really, really love … Choose Wisely … it’s one of my favorites. ‘Course, they keep getting better, and so stay tuned for number three.

But Choose Wisely is, think about it, how important is choosing wisely in your life? I know growing up, I mean, my mother always told me, “Just choose wisely of who you spend your time with,” because whoever you do, those are really the environments that are going to shape your life. And that’s no different … Everything that we do in our business and our personal life, anything we’re doing recreationally. It’s so, so important, so whatever you’re reading.

So, I just challenge you to take a look at everything you’re doing. If you want to build your business, choose wisely as to who your coach is, what kind of systems you have in place, what your environment is. If you want to build an amazing life, obviously, we got to choose the right partner, the right friends, and so, number two is Choose Wisely. It’s really, really important. It’s made a big impact on my life, it’s been there forever, and so it had to be in one of the top two. Once again, if you like to chat or reach out to me, you can reach me at (843) 455-6636, or reach me at Have an amazing day, and remember to Choose Wisely. Take care.

For more information contact: Scott Trembley, President & CEO,, 843.455.6636

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