Scott Trembley: Good morning Scott Trembly, president, and CEO of the Trembly Group Real Estate Firm. Hope everyone’s doing great, and I also hope everyone has had an amazing start to the first half of 2017. I hope you’ve been crushing your goals. Today I’m going to share something with you that may help you crush your goals in the second half of the year.

Basically, it’s four powerful habits or traits of successful real estate leaders. Number one is you’ve got to have a morning routine. I’m going to talk a lot about consistency in your plan, but what’s your morning routine? For example, my morning routine is, get up at 5:30, do a little spiritual time in the morning, kind of shake the cobwebs out, a number of glasses of water, get loose, do a 45-minute workout, put some good nutrition in my body. Spend 30 minutes with my boys, then off to the office. Really just energize your morning, you’ve got to have a morning routine. Take a look at the book, The Miracle Morning, that’ll be a great place to start. So you’ve got to have a morning routine.

Number two is, you’ve got to work off of a schedule. So many people out there are not working off a schedule and there’s kind of like a shotgun approach. So what does your schedule look like? For example, around here our schedule looks like … we role play at 8:00 in the morning for 20 minutes. There’s lead follow-up time scheduled. There’s lead generation time scheduled. You have time in your afternoon schedule for your appointments, then at the end of the day, you have a follow-up time schedule to make sure you’ve wrapped everything up for the day. So you’ve got to work off a schedule. Plan a schedule, work off a schedule and you’ll win.

Number three is, are you coachable? Are you working with the coach? Are you deciding to be a lifelong learner? A lifelong learner is a lifelong leader. So are you deciding to do that, it’s very very very important. We talk about it around her all the time. I actually work individually with everybody in our company and coach them, but I also have a coach. So we’re consistently … everybody is always learning, very very very important. You know that’s a life skill as well, so just continue to be a learner.

Number four might be as important as all of them. Number four is, you have to learn how to say ‘no’, so so so important. I know all of you in real estate out there probably work with many many many people and you feel like you just have to say ‘yes’ all the time, but at some point, you know maybe the relationship isn’t a great fit, and that’s okay. That’s not a problem at all; sometimes ‘no’ is good. Let me tell you something, if it’s not in alignment with your goals, and it’s a distraction, then ‘no’ is the best answer. So let me wrap up real quick. I just wanted to share those things. Number one that you have to do is you got to have a morning routine. Number two, you’ve got to have a schedule. Number three, you’ve got to be coachable. So you’ve got to be learning every day. And number four, learn how to say ‘no’, it’ll be very very powerful and that ‘no’ will open up an incredible ‘yes’ for you.

On that note, I hope everybody out there is doing amazing, if you’d like to reach out to me and have a conversation, you can reach me at 843-455-6636, or Take care.

For more information contact: Scott Trembley, President & CEO,, 843.455.6636

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At The Trembley Group, we pride ourselves on being the experts at more than just selling real estate. We are local residents, some of us have been here for a lifetime. The rest of us will be here until the end of time. We love living, working, and playing in the diverse backyard of Coastal Carolina, and look forward to helping you live and love your dreams soon too. Please reach out to us by phone or email for personalized service and one-on-one advice. 

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